Tuesday, October 2, 2012

River Queen

River Queen
She awakens now from the mists of time:
An infinite dream who unfolds her wings
And finds herself wakened to that rhythmic chime;
A thundering pounding, a graceful fling,
A dream flower now in the valley of gold
Where lore has now flowed upward the river.
The Lord of the Dance is the one they’ve extolled;
The Dance, the Dance, and he the great giver;
The magic, the music drift into my dreams;
She found herself leaping midst mazes of mist
Till her people come looking for there lost Queen
And the Lord himself comes to rebind their tryst;
‘Tis said nought will happen till their land fades away
And the people are woke by shores on the quay.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

One Evening

One Evening
The mountains bathed in evening glow
Show forth their rustic, ruddy tones;
The wispy white of clouds are blown
And whipped up with a tinge of pink.
The lights of cars and smells of rain,
The music and the memories
Are painted and shall never wane.
The scent of chiles fill the air
As evening closes with a flair.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

We Are

We Are
Rainbow in the sky connects us all,
No labels are needed; I'm not here or there,
Words are unneeded in the ebb and the flow,
When everything is, it's plenty to care.
No actions are needed; it's all flowing out,
The drama will show you all who just are.
When we've drifted away to conquer the globe-
I'll glance at the heavens and admire your star.

Saturday, September 8, 2012


Out of the sunlight
Into the deepening dusk,
There is bitter-sweet.

How does one cope with
Boundless joy and soft sorrow?
Frigid like snowflakes-

Yet full of beauty;
Keeping up the merry dance
Leading on towards spring.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

The Masks

The Masks
So lost, she stared upon the row of masks
Wondering which was her and which was them,
These were her expectations and her tasks
But which one was her own- her own inner gem?

So lost, she tried each on for size
Till she saw her shadow on the floor,
The mask leering up before her eyes
She was revealed as she tore it off in horror.

Saturday, August 25, 2012


Let loose your hair and free your roving mind
To truly feel and meld within your form;
Let loose the mask that holds your soul in bind
And loose your joy and all the tears that storm;
Passion shines through as you fly before the moon
And bend your limbs beyond limitation,
Connected to the earth, your feet glide in tune,
Mind relaxing into meditation;
As colored lights revolve in silent darkness
Peace and joy are found to free all gain-less stress.

Friday, August 24, 2012

cinquain and haiku

Spiderlings of Time
Blue skies
Scent of coffee
Moth upon the window;
One moment caught webbed in time, spins

Energy flowing
Creates life beneath the earth;
Who can stop the growth?

Thursday, August 23, 2012


Fallen leaves, a roughened rock, a blade of grass-
What hidden stories do you hold within?
What feet have trod this pebble smooth like glass?
From what boulders did this rock begin?
Yellow leaves flutter down upon a lawn
Holding forgotten words of love and hate-
Whispers of people the wind has not withdrawn.
Who were these people, and what were their fate?
Did some child gaze upon this very leaf?
Their energy and stories have ebbed away,
Locked away in a vast and jumbled sheaf
That the sticks and stones will never betray.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Do you feel a great stirring within you?
Sitting under rain and swirling mist,
The magic slowly sinking into bliss.
Do you feel a great yearning for this stirring?
Staring out at city lights that shine like gems
'Midst the glowing headlights where the traffic stems.
Do you contemplate this joyful sorrow?
Watching the hawks wheel in the bright blue sky,
Up above where the rugged mountains lie.
Then, flying in the sky through clouds, it's clear,
It is a wistfulness for heaven,
That's showing small reflections in its mirror.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

The Rose Bush

He told me I was brilliant with that charming smile on his face and said he wished to give me a rose. I followed him out of the house into an enclosed garden with high brick walls full of apple and cherry trees covered in a blanket of white and pink blossoms. He brought me into the center of the garden towards a single rose bush and gestured for me to pick a rose. The leaves were a deep, vivid green, and all over the bush were perfect, pale pink roses. Each rose was faultlessly shaped, graceful and delicate, with a just a blush of deeper pink. I drew closer, slowly walking around the bush. Each rose was laden with a certain richness, somehow majestic in their delicateness. I stopped, drawn towards a rose that scarcely looked like a rose. It was still flower-like and beautiful, but it lacked the same majesty. It was just weird and awry. I hesitated, looking up at a perfect rose above. Then I decided. I told him I wanted the one strange rose. He stepped near and clipped the stem, handing it to me with a smile. I walked along the bush and came to another weird rose, lovely in its quaintness. I asked him if I could have this one also, and he replied by clipping the rose with his shears and handing it to me. We walked back towards the house to find a vase, and I stopped one more time to look back at all those sublime, pale pink roses. They were too powerful for me and far too unsullied. Besides, I preferred the eccentric. I always had. After all, that's why I had chosen him.